Teaching Approach
I aim for my students to gain a basic understanding of the scientific process and better equip individuals to evaluate claims across diverse issues and then address them in an informed fashion. I train students to actively practice problem-solving, to break down complicated questions into more digestible portions, and run the appropriate tests that can isolate the most correct answer. I frame lessons to guide students through what they will be learning and highlight why a particular activity is a valuable way to learn about that subject and when to apply it outside the classroom. Through inquiry-based learning, I aim to equip students with the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to process complicated concepts across contexts.
Selected Teaching Experience
Anatomy & Physiology
From the viewpoint of the human body as a community of interactions, we take a "form and function" integrative approach to understand how unique cellular/tissue structures lead to different physiological outcomes. We focus on how we derived this knowledge and train students to critically analyze the sources of different outcomes.
(Boston College, BI1300)
Advanced Genetics
Experiential learning course focused on genetic techniques such as mutant selection and screening, complementation, mapping, recombinant DNA, and chemical genetic screenings. We use genetic model systems Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Arabidopsis thaliana to provide students with modular projects throughout the semester in which students formulate and test hypotheses.
(Boston University, BI513)
Advanced Cell Biology
Lectures and class discussions focused on understanding of essential topics and important problems in modern cell biology, with emphasis on recent experimental findings, research strategies and approaches, and new techniques for investigating how cells work.
(Boston University, BI753)
R for Biologists
Course uses the statistical language R to analyze a range of biological data (phenotypes, ecological modeling, sequence data). We will focus on drawing connections from basic statistical concepts to analysis of the types of data encountered in experiments and observations across biology disciplines. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to develop and present statistical tests, develop niche models and synthesize a variety of next-gen sequence analysis for a wide variety of data and experimental types. The emphasis on foundational concepts should also empower you to expand on your statistical techniques as needed.
(Boston University, BI564)
Evolutionary Mechanisms
Introduction to mechanisms of evolutionary change, including natural selection, population genetics, life history evolution, speciation, and micro- and macroevolutionary trends. Course focuses on an "evo-devo" centered dissection of patterns of evolutionary change, highlighting gene by environment interactions across different evolutionary histories. Lecture is combined with discussions of primary literature exploring sources of evolutionary change.
(UNC-Chapel Hill, Biol 471)
Animal Behavior
Course centered around the science of animal behavior. Through lecture and labs we focus on what animals do, how they do it, why they do it, and the methods scientists use to interpret animal behavior. Students are challenged to critically analyzethe experiments and conclusions that underlie our understanding of animal behavior. My research history exploring the mechanisms underlying behavior in a broad range of species serves as a strong foundation to explore behaviors across the tree of life.
(UNC-Chapel Hill, Biol 278)
Evolution of Vertebrate Life
Course combines comparative anatomy and evolutionary theory to study the history of vertebrate form (morphology) and the transformation of primitive chordates to advanced forms, focusing on major transitions. We will focus on anatomical, embryological, and physiological attributes of major taxa. Throughout the semester students trace the evolution of significant evolutionary innovations across life.
(UNC-Chapel Hill, Biol 474)
Seafood Forensics
Course-Based Undergraduate Experience (CURE) where students develop scientific hypothesis, perform experiments, analyze data, write manuscripts, and publish results in a peer-reviewed journal. We use forensic science (primarily DNA barcoding) to quantify seafood mislabeling and cover topics related downstream consequences of mislabeling, mainly; seafood supply chains and markets, fisheries management, over-fishing and its impact on marine ecosystems, and the importance of food labeling in human health.
(UNC-Chapel Hill, Biol 221)